Let's Chat!

You Deserve A Life You

Want to Wake Up To!


Hi, I'm Susan Larkin 

I'm  passionate about normalizing taking a look at our drinking habits and taking a break or even choosing not to drink at all!  

I know first-hand what it’s like to feel stuck, knowing alcohol did not work for me, but also not being able to let go.  Alcohol kept me living small, numbing my emotions, and feeling miserable.

My career in at an Ivy League University started late in my 30’s. It was then that I started drinking to cope with the stress of balancing a career, family life, and getting my MBA (what was I thinking?) As my career progressed, so did my drinking. That glass of wine turned into 2-3 or more. I stayed in a miserable place of trying to control my drinking, failing, and beating myself up for way too long. It was like I had a black cloud hanging over my head at all times, and I didn't know where to turn.

When I saw Annie Grace’s webinar about how alcohol could become small and irrelevant, that I could lose the desire, and become “Alive” again, I decided this is what I wanted and I didn't give up until I got there. Changing my relationship with alcohol was just the beginning. Through learning to manage my mindset, self-compassion work, strategies to manage stress, and living intentionally, I began to become truly “Alive”. I went from gray area drinking to vibrant living! 

This changed my life so much, I decided to become a This Naked Mind Certified Coach to helping others gain the same freedom I found. I am passionate about getting the word out that you can have an amazing socialize life without alcohol!  Once you are free, nothing is off-limits: wine country, cruise, tropical vacation, all inclusive, Paris, Italy, anniversaries, weddings!!  Life can be thoroughly enjoyed without alcohol!  

(Learn more about my story- listen to my podcast with Annie Grace) 

My Story
Statement of Integrity

I believe in being transparent about my training and commitment to leading an alcohol-free lifestyle.

In 2021, I dedicated six months to rigorous training and achieved certification as a This Naked Mind Coach. Currently, I hold the position of Senior Coach, a role that requires over 300 hours of coaching experience and endorsements from more than 12 clients. Additionally, I completed a comprehensive 10-month training program called Sacred Depths, equipping me to engage with clients on a deeper, ethical, and trauma-informed level.

My commitment to personal growth is unwavering; I continually read and participate in educational courses to enhance my coaching practice. I firmly believe that we can only guide our clients as deeply as we are willing to go ourselves.

I have been alcohol-free since June 1, 2020, and I am dedicated to living a full and abundant life without alcohol!

Choosing Not To Drink is a Lifestyle, Not a Life Sentence

-Susan Larkin